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the bite was planned logo

In the iconic logo, the bite was planned meticulously. Using Golden Proportion and accurate scale, the seemingly simple was crafted to create an everlasting symbol. In precisely the same manner, each dental reconstruction needs meticulous planning of the occlusion to create a bite that will last a lifetime.

We all know that occlusion plays a significant role in the longevity of not only our patients' teeth but also any restorations that we provide for them. How do we achieve excellent occlusion, and what exactly is the ideal?

The term 'occlusion' is one often associated with confusion, ambiguity and varying philosophies. In fact, the topic of occlusion is often only associated with 'checking the bite' after doing a restoration. Having an understanding of the general concepts of occlusion within a practice can create a foundation that brings more predictable, long-lasting dentistry while encouraging patients to make health-centered decisions.

During this unique full-day seminar, we will explore the general concepts of occlusion, be talking openly about the confusion that surrounds it and how to make sense of it all. Following the three fundamentals: Reshape, Reposition or Restore, this lecture series will answer the questions we are often most scared to ask.

A Unique Structure

As dentists, we learn best by doing. This meeting is thus uniquely structured to create the ideal hands-on learning experience. By running multiple hands-on sessions, each dealing with specific aspects of occlusion, delegates can choose the topics and times that suit them.With each session being limited to 25 participants, the in-depth discussions and live demonstrations will give delegates the best opportunity to learn and interact.

There will be three hands-on breakaways being run simultaneously. Each breakaway repeated three times during the day. Delegates will have the opportunity to attend any of the breakaways, choosing the topic they would like to hear more about. This will give each delegate the opportunity to attend all three breakaways on offer. Bookings will be done on a first come first serve basis. 

Morning Plenary & AGM
8h30 – 11h00

 Plenary discussion with 4 lectures, giving an overview of the day's 4 topics

Session 1
11h30 – 13h00

Choose your first hands-on session to attend

Session 2
14h00 to 15h30

Choose an additional hands-on session 

Session 3
16h00 to 17h30

Choose your last hands-on session


REGISTER (Individual) | REGISTER (Group)

Hands-on Themes

The Basic Principles of Occlusion

Often when discussing an optimal occlusion, we hear clinicians say that they restore in CR or maybe MI. However, if you choose any of these positions and look in the Glossary of Prosthodontic Terms, you'll have to decide which variation of the seven definitions you will decide to use. Besides, we leave University confused as to what the ideal occlusion is, as each department taught a slightly different perfect occlusion.

For us to be able to offer the best treatment, we first have to be speaking the same language and understand the basic concepts involved.

Ellis Andrew SMALLPresenter: Dr Andrew Ellis (read more)

Key learning points
  • Concepts and Philosophy of Occlusion
  • Occlusal Disease & Requirements for Occlusal Stability
  • Simplifying Instrumentation for Occlusal Analysis: Hands-on
  • Determining and recording Centric Relation: Hands-on 


Prosthodontics to Restore Occlusion

Working at the patient's 'acquired occlusion' means accepting that enough of what has been acquired is either stable enough to last and remain virtually unchanged by the dentistry, or sufficiently consistent that the patient will adapt to the changes without incident. As more teeth become involved, it becomes less and less likely that the acquired occlusion can be re-acquired following treatment. The risk is magnified when posterior teeth are part of the treatment plan. At some point, the dentist must decide to OWN the occlusion.

During this session, we'll look at techniques that could help us create a stable occlusion when most of the reference points have been lost. We'll also explore how best to use restoratives to create the 'ideal occlusion'.

HOWES Dale CV 2018Presenter: Prof Dale Howes (read more)

 Key learning points
  • Managing different horizontal and vertical occlusal overlap situations
  • Managing Occlusal Wear Problems
  • Solving occlusal problems through programmed treatment planning: Hands-on
  • Case Diagnosis and discussion: Hands-on 


The Role of Orthodontics in Occlusion

The option of repositioning during the treatment of occlusal disease is reliant on the orthodontist and referring dentist understanding each other's role. There are many appliances and mechanical strategies available for correction of the tooth position. This includes expanders, transpalatal arches, and archwires that can assist in altering the transverse dimension, while Intrusion and extrusion can help adjust the vertical aspect.

During this session, we explore how clear communication and a team approach can help the orthodontist and dentist understand each other. When improved alignment can assist with positioning for prosthodontics and what the optimal timing of patient referrals would be to assist in creating the ideal platform for the restoration.

 Wertheimer Image CropPresenter: Dr Mark Wertheimer (read more)

 Key learning points
  • How to Treat Splayed Anterior Teeth
  • What about the Crossbite
  • Treating Crowded, Irregular Arches
  • Solving Severe Arch Mal relationship


Simplifying TMJ Disorders

Even though as a dentist we realize that the TMJ is an essential component of the system that they treat, many dentists are very intimidated and hesitant to incorporate even a cursory evaluation of the joints into the exam. Could this possibly be because many dentists don't feel adequately educated about the TMJ to perform the examination? This becomes worse when dealing with a patient that has signs and symptoms of a TMJ disorder. How do you know what is causing it, and what are the options for treatment. 

During this session, we will discuss how to effectively examine the TMD patient. Improve our understanding of normal function and identify the treatments that could help solve any problems.

 SCHLEBUSCH Dawie cv image.001Presenter: Dr Dawie Schlebusch (read more)

 Key learning points: 
  • Understanding the TMJ
  • Examining the TMD Patient
  • Differential Diagnosis of TMD Disorders
  • Treatment options for the TMD patient


At a Glance

Demystifying Occlusion in a Unique Hands-on Driven Program

  • Date: 24 March: 8am to 5pm
  • Cost: From as little as R 1 900
  • Venue: Atlantic Imbizo, V&A Waterfront, Cape Town
  • Registration Opens: 16 January
  • 6 CPD points Applied for

The Cost

Category   Price (incl VAT)
SAAAD Member R 1 900
Non-Members R 2 500


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 The Venue

Atlantic Imbizo, Clock Tower, V & A Waterfront, Cape Town

Atlantic Imbizo is a fully equipped business and social center featuring a full range of sophisticated and superbly decorated Conference, Function & Event facilities with the flexibility to customise each venue to your exact needs.


Atlantic Imbizo website

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